Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Core Banquet

The BU Core Curriculum puts on a banquet every year in the spring so I decided to be a real blogger and look nice. The hair of the hour......
Deciding what to wear....


I've decided to make photos mega-huge now because I like that... New outfit...

Blue stockings..

I ended up actually wearing something completely different but it was fun playing with the self- timer. Now for after the Banquet.
All the loot! The newest issue of the Core Journal - My paper on Michelangelo is in it. Is not the cover art amazing?
 And lurking behind (admirable photography skills) is an award (!) I recieved for excellence in the first year natural science course... Very exciting!

Well, that is about it that is up with me... To all a good night!

Snap challenge -belated photos

I took the SNAP challenge.
I signed up ill-advisedly at the Interfaith fair to do the challenge with the humanist society, and last week was the week. To explain, the SNAP challenge is basically where you eat like someone on food stamps for a week, about four dollars a day. As a group, all participating pooled funds and bought in bulk, which made it a bit easier.A fellow student cooked the meals and delivered our food for the day to us each morning.
I don't have any dishes/silverware in my room so I used a foam plate which I washed after every meal.
The venerable object is below. I grew to have quite an affection for him (it is a male plate) by the end of the week....

 First day breakfast...Things were looking rough- bananas and seaweed. I ultimately gave up on trying to like the seaweed.

 Dinner on the other hand was AMAZING, rice and veggies. Slowly realizing that I would be eating carbs pretty much all the time.
 Yep, the kid cooking was a vegan, so carbs all. the time. Spinach pasta....
 mountainous heaps of spinach pasta....
 Dumplingy things with green savory stuff in 'em....
And a peach! All in all, I was quite happy I did it.

Some great sewing blogs off Burdastyle (growing list)



Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Summer must-reads 2014

Lord of the Rings


Don't Go Back to School: A Handbook for Learning Anything

This Explains Everything: Deep, Beautiful, and Elegant Theories of How the World Works

Intuition Pumps And Other Tools for Thinking

Codex Seraphininius

The definition project

Ancient religion and modern science agree: we are here to give praise. Or, to slightly tip the expression, to pay attention. Without us, the physicists who have espoused the anthropic principle tell us, the universe would be unwitnessed, and in a real sense not there at all. It exists, incredibly, for us. This formulation (knowing what we know of the universe’s ghastly extent) is more incredible, to our sense of things, than the Old Testament hypothesis of a God willing to suffer, coddle, instruct, and even (in the Book of Job) to debate with men, in order to realize the meager benefit of worship, of praise for His Creation. What we beyond doubt do have is our instinctive intellectual curiosity about the universe from the quasars down to the quarks, our wonder at existence itself, and an occasional surge of sheer blind gratitude for being here.

John Updike

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.

Steve Jobs

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Clean!

I cleaned my room!
So clean!!! Wardrobe is next....

A shawl my dad got my mother as an engagement present. The colors are absolutely saturated.

A few more pics....It was very cathartic, and the room seems much larger now-

In my Easter best...and waiting in the car for Mikey and Daddy to leave the Abbey!